cuckoo club

Notes and reports from the scene ...

Photo of Chris, Graeme and Anjani
A long way from home, but what a reception.
Signed, two very lucky travellers. Wishing Anjani every success.
Christine & Graeme (Glasgow, UK)
Photos © 2007 Christine Buttinger

Photo by Jim Devlin I'm not sure how or why but I was admitted to the concert last night and it was wonderful! Thank you so much. Anjani is truly a very special performer with an amazing voice and the songs are exquisite. It also meant so much to me to see the incomparable Leonard Cohen, not only speak but sing! in such an intimate venue, I have loved and admired him since I was fourteen. (that's a long time...)

Again, thank you.

         Photos © 2007 Jim Devlin ---- Thank you!

Guess what! I went along to the venue anyway, on the offchance I could catch a glimpse of Leonard & Anjani going in, and bumped into a friend I hadn't seen in 3 years who had a ticket. She tried to talk the doormen into letting me in with her and her boyfriend and although initially they wouldn't, they asked me to wait outside for half an hour and then when they saw I was still there at 6:30, they just waved me inside!

I got back about an hour ago. It was a fantastic experience, Anjani in great voice performing 5 or 6 flawless songs from Blue Alert, two of them with Leonard, who was himself in fine voice. The venue was tiny, there were maybe 75 people there, so I finally got the once-in-a-lifetime's chance to stand just a few feet away from him. Apart from the Blue Alert songs they also did an unreleased duet which might have been called "Whither Thou Goest," which was really moving. I nearly got the chance to speak to Leonard afterwards as he was signing autographs but the queue moved very slowly and his people led him away just one person ahead of me. But still, it didn't really matter as I didn't have any books or CDs on me for him to sign, nor a camera, so I would only have been able to shake his hand and tell him how much I loved him, which would have been nice but it was great simply to have been there and see the man in the flesh.

I started a much-needed new job today which went very well so I'm hoping this evening's lucky break is a good omen for the future!

Love & best wishes

Richard has written a delightfully humorous report of his adventures that night
in his blog Thoughtcat

"On nearly meeting Leonard Cohen

I realised the best part of a 20-year dream the other day: I saw Leonard Cohen up close and personal. And I arrived at one distinct conclusion: he's very small. Almost as small as me, in fact. This is how it happened..." [read more]

Check out other reports and photos of the London concert on
The Leonard Cohen Files.

Oslo concert

Tom Bogno and that other guy

Copyright 2007 © Tom Bogno

Photos by Lars Eivind Bones from Dagbladet
Read scan of Dagbladet article

Scans kindly provided by Geoffrey Snow. Thank you!

Photo by Frode Hansen from VG1
Read scan of VG1 article

Once again, thanks to Geoffrey Snow for providing the scans.

English Version

NEWSPAPER: Aftenposten (Norway)

Many thanks to our friend, Geoffrey Snow,
for providing the article and translation.

Cohen kom, gynget og gikk

Hva får en gruppe utvalgte kulturpersonligheter og journalister til å stimle sammen en ellers stille torsdag kveld, på Jostein Gaarders Caféteater?

Først publisert: 29.03.07
Photos: ( Foto: CARL MARTIN NORDBY )

 ( Foto: CARL MARTIN NORDBY )Det er spenning i luften, og det langt mer enn hva som er vanlig på en minikonsert som dette. Alle venter på en ung jazzsangerinne, Anjani, som er i Norge for å lansere sitt andre album, "Blue Alert".

Tre eldre herrer i dress går på scenen og plasserer seg med hvert sitt instrument; Kontrabass, gitar og piano. Lysene senkes i salen, og det alle egentlig ventet på skjer; Leonard Cohen entrer scenen.

- For rundt førti år siden kom jeg til Norge første gang, dette landet som jeg i også i mine sanger har hatt et spesielt forhold til, sier Leonard Cohen. Håret grånet, skuldrene lutende og selvsagt er han mindre enn det man hadde trodd, men stemmen – stemmen er dyp, rusten og fremdeles klangfull. Han introduserer Anjani, som til stormende applaus inntar scenen.

Anjani er vakker, rank og elegant. Hun setter seg ned bak pianoet.

- Jeg fant noen av tekstene hans liggende og slenge på stuebordet, smiler hun. – Så lekte jeg litt med dem og satt musikk til dem, forteller Anjani.

Resultatet ble altså albumet "Blue Alert", som Cohen også har produsert. Partnerskapet deres har vart lenge, hun har blant annet vært kordame for Cohen. Sammen har de sønnen Adam Cohen, som også er musiker med flere plateutgivelser bak seg, og base i Montreal.

- For 22 år siden var jeg i Oslo med Leonard. Jeg følte meg privilegert, for jeg fikk vandre i snøkledde gater og drikke varm sjokolade, mens han måtte holde seg innendørs og snakke med pressen, smiler hun mot publikum mellom sangene.


Musikken er jazz av det tilbakelente, "smoothe" slaget- Stemmen hennes er aspirert, dyp og klangfull, det er ikke vanskelig å forestille seg at den går godt sammen med Cohens. Mannen selv sitter diskret tilbaketrukket i et hjørne bak i lokalet. Med lukkede øyne gynger han sakte med takten.

- Dette er vår favorittsang, sier Anjani om "Half The Perfect World". Spenningen stiger i salen. Er det nå vi skal få høre Cohen live for første gang på veldig mange år?

Men nei, mannen har pådratt seg en forkjølelse på veien over fra L.A. – Dere synes dere har det varmt her nå, ler hun, men for meg som er fra Hawaii er dette kaldt!

Mottagelsen fra publikum varmet henne likevel. Hun kaster jakken før hun går av scenen. Showet er over. Men den tordnende applausen lokker henne tilbake og hun fremfører en siste melodi. – Jeg har aldri hørt om ekstranummer på en showcase før, ler hun og takker det entusiastiske publikummet.

Men Leonard har forlatt bygningen.


Complete coverage of the Warsaw concert can be found on the
blog of our friend, Heck Of A Guy,
including sound clips,
audio interview and photos.

Pages include:

Anjani-Leonard Cohen March 31, 2007 Interview and Photos

Online: Leonard Cohen’s Introduction Of Anjani’s Warsaw Concert

The Best Leonard Cohen - Anjani Duet You’ve (Probably) Never Heard

Another Leonard Cohen - Anjani Duet You’ve (Probably) Never Heard

More coverage of Anjani and Leonard in Poland can be found on
The Leonard Cohen Files

Photos by Alik Keplicz AP

Photo Alik Keplicz AP

Photo Alik Keplicz AP