We are happy to report that Leonard has tentatively agreed to an interview about the new album and perhaps, will answer some questions about his career that you might be curious about. So, here is your chance to ask that question that has been on the tip of your tongue. And don't forget to study the unpublished poems that correspond to the new songs (though we are not certain the lyrics will be the same) and shout out your questions, so you won't be wondering what Leonard is singing about when you finally are enjoying the album. However, please know that there is no guarantee that every question asked will be used or that Leonard will choose to respond to every question we submit. You may submit your questions in any one of the following manners:

Email Marie at Marie Mazur (megan2c2b@aol.com).
Your questions will be posted here
with your name unless you say you wish to be anonymous.

Post your questions in the forum section of the
French Leonard Cohen site.

Post your questions at The Leonard Cohen Files
on the Message Board "The next album."

Fan Questions for Leonard

Many thanks to all who contributed questions for Leonard. All questions are being organized now. Next week, we will send some off to Leonard. Fans came up with some great questions. I'm sure we'll get some great answers too. Thanks again.