Controlling Anxiety
without Drugs

Understanding Anxiety Disorders by Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D.
An overview of anxiety disorders including when normal anxiety becomes an anxiety disorder, what causes anxiety disorder, and the six main types of anxiety disorders including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, acute stress disorder, and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Anxiety & Stress from Active Mind-Body Health website
Information on how anxiety and stress develop, relaxation techniques, breathing methods, self-talk, and increasing awareness of your mind and body.
Alternative Treatments from
An overview of a number of ways to relieve anxiety including: aromatherapy, accupuncture, Bach's flower remedies, Reiki healing, herbalism, homeopathy, massage, Shiatsu, Yoga, and meditation.
Helping Children Who Fear School by Marie Hartwell-Walker, Ed.D.
This article provides some significant and detailed ideas to help children overcome a fear of school. A four-step plan for mastering the phobia is outlined including educating the child about the phobia, helping them learn self-soothing techniques, developing a hierarchy of frightening events and confronting each item on the hierarchy, using self-soothing techniques to settle down.
Self Hypnosis from
Instructions on how to use self-hypnosis as a relaxation technique including its use in overcoming sleeplessness.
Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy from
An article discussing what cognitive-behavioral therapy is and why it is effective for the treatment of anxiety.
Aromatherapy from
An article discussing the various ways to use essential oils for healing, calming and regenerating.
Positive Affirmations from
This article explains the details in using positive affirmations to improve your mental state. Examples of affirmations are provided.
Relaxation Techniques by Susan M. Lark, M.D.
Instructions on how to achieve relaxation including how stress affects the body, how to quiet the mind and body, grounding techinques, releasing muscle tension, erasing stress and tension, healing the inner child, visualization, affirmations, hydrotherapy, sound used for relaxation, massage, and a number of exercises demonstrating these techniques.
Breathing Techniques by Jack Eason Rowe, MBA, CSME, PhD
"Slow, abdominal breathing alone has been shown to abort panic attacks and prevent them. But for a person with panic disorder, learning slow abdominal breathing can be quite difficult. People with panic disorder are almost always chest breathers. If they can learn to breathe slowly with their diaphragms, they will not panic!" This article explains how to achieve that slow abdominal breathing.
What about Support Groups? from
This article describes how to find a support group, what to look for in a support group and how to evaluate a group.
Diaphragmatic Breathing from
A comprehensive discussion of how to overcome one of the scariest of panic symptoms, not being able to breath. A video clip and exercises are included.
Overcoming Stagefright from
Stagefright is often called "performance anxiety" and anyone "whose activity brings them to the attention of an audience, however large or small, can experience stagefright." This article provides an analysis of the various aspects of stagefright, including a list of tips for overcoming this anxiety.
Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking from
A discussion of the fear of public speaking, including an exercise to help you understand "resistance," the key to overcoming this anxiety.
Social Anxiety: The Key to Recovery from
This article describes the differences between panic disorder and social phobia and explores the "panic trick" that many sufferers use in response to the anxiety.
Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia from
A series of articles which include 'What a Panic Attack Can Do to You?', 'How a Panic Attack Works', 'How Cognitive Behavioral Treatment Works', 'Why Me?', 'The Panic Trick', 'The Panic Diary', 'Coping With a Panic Attack: a Five Step Process' and 'Overcoming Phobias With Progressive Exposure'.



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