Controlling Anxiety
without Drugs

Organizations / Programs
Newsgroups / Mailing Lists

Anxiety - Panic Community from website
A message board and chat room devoted to sharing on the topics of anxiety and panic.
Newsgroup: alt.recovery.panic-anxiety.self-help
Self-help for panic recovery.
Support for people who have panic attacks.
Lifeline Anxiety Disorder Message Board
A monitored message board divided into a number of topics including: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Agoraphobia, Panic Attacks, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Simple Phobia, and a user-built Support Facilities Directory.
Yahoo's Anxiety Panic Hub Message Board
A discussion group for people with anxiety disorders.
Depression / Anxiety Group
A message board for people to help each other through their experiences of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, suicidal feelings, medication, doctors, hospitals, etc.
Panic Anxiety Hub Chat Room
An anonymous chat room.




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